Please complete all required fields!
For your convenience, we will automatically send you PDFs of our disclosures after you’ve successfully submitted your application.
Designate the ownership of the accounts and responsibility for the services requested.
Upon the death of the last surviving owner, the funds in Your Account shall become the property of the beneficiary(ies) listed below who are alive at that time. You may change the beneficiary(ies) identified below only with the written consent of all owners to the Account.
Please note: If you elect multiple beneficiaries and you do not allocate percentages to each beneficiary, the funds will be split equally among the surviving beneficiaries.
All of the terms, conditions, form of account ownership, account selection and other information indicated on this form apply to all of the accounts listed unless the Credit Union is notified in writing of a change.
The account number for each of the accounts listed consists of the suffix added to the end of the Member Number listed in the "MEMBER APPLICATION AND OWNERSHIP INFORMATION" section. If this form applies to more than one account of the same type, more than one suffix will be listed for that account type.
You have answered that you are NOT a US citizen. Please provide a completed IRS W-8 BEN Form.
We will be unable to open an Account for You without a taxpayer identification number.
By signing below, I/we agree to the terms and conditions of the Membership and Account Agreement, Truth-in-Savings Disclosure, Funds Availability Policy Disclosure, if applicable, and to any amendment the Credit Union makes from time to time which are incorporated herein. I/We acknowledge receipt of a copy of the agreements and disclosures applicable to the accounts and services requested herein. If an access card or EFT service is requested and provided, I/we agree to the terms of and acknowledge receipt of the Electronic Fund Transfers Agreement and Disclosure. The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding.
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